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Try our calculator and get an idea of how much time and money you can save on preparing for and holding meetings.
How many document heavy meetings do you hold in your company or organization every month?
Document heavy meetings are meetings where the agenda is sent with documents attached before the meeting. Examples are board meetings, management meetings, project meetings and the like.

What is the average number of participants in these meetings?

What is the average monthly salary for these employees?

Your company’s potential savings by using First Agenda*:

Annual saving of actual meeting time:   hours

Annual saving on preparation time:   hours

Annual saving in US dollars: $ 

About First Agenda

Are you interested in hearing more about what First Agenda can do for you? Fill in the contact form and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.
*The estimated savings are based on 1,500 survey responses from our existing customers. The customers that experience savings, report an average saving of 25 minutes of preparation time and 20 minutes of actual meeting time.
  • 1 500
  • 1 50
  • $ 3,500 $9,500