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How much does sick leave cost your company?

In the calculator below, use your best estimation if you don´t have exact numbers. It will still give you an indication.

  • number of employees
  • 0 days 25 days
  • € 0 €12,000
  • 1 times cost of salary 5 times cost of salary

Based upon your inputs, the annual estimates are:

Total cost of sick leave:


Of this and based upon research, the following would be the estimate of

Total cost of sick leave from WMSD:


Currently, the MLI® Solution addresses 60% of WMSD. If your company subscribe to the solution the following estimates would apply:

Cost of MLI® Solution subscription:


The effect from the MLI® Solution is in average a 6% reduction in WMSD-based sick leave. By implementing the MLI® Solution your company would achieve an:



Or you would achieve:

ROI, Year-One:
